We want to recognize our three teams (Tippens, Patterson, and Trahan) that participated in the Triple Crown Summer Nationals. These teams aimed high and all achieved top 10 finishes in the gold bracket, with two teams securing spots in the top 5. It was a memorable weekend of competition for all the teams. A special mention goes to the Tippens team for their gritty comeback, winning from a 5-0 deficit and then went on to finish 2nd. Additionally, a shout out to the Patterson team who was the last 2012 team standing. They claimed 5th place. We are excited about the future and eagerly anticipate watching all these teams represent the Green and Gold. #BeTheStandard Triple Crown Fastpitch
Tag(s): Annual Banquet 18U Holbrook 14U Callaway 16U Sims 18U Billings 18U Shumeyko 18U Tamborra 18U Hargrave 16U Harris 14U Tamborra 16U Tamborra/Harris 14U Hamilton News 14U Lynch 10U Cleghorn 18U Maldonado 18U Hutto 18U Palazzo 18U Hargrave 18U Hudson 11U Martinez 18U Wiggins 14U Klein 11U Gillis\Kotula 16U Neleman 12U Trahan 12U Patterson 12U Olson 14U Lynch 18U Colvin 18U White 15U Crenshaw 13U Murphy 16U Vaughn 13U Tippens