CONGRATULATIONS to the Atlanta Vipers '09 Hamilton team for bringing home the 14U PGF Carpet City Classic Championship. The team went 6-0 on the weekend. In those games they outscored their opponents 39-4 . The bats were hot and they played lights out defense. Their pitchers were on fire with a combined .538 era. Way to go team!
Tag(s): Annual Banquet 18U Holbrook 14U Callaway 16U Sims 18U Billings 18U Shumeyko 18U Tamborra 18U Hargrave 16U Harris 14U Tamborra 16U Tamborra/Harris 14U Hamilton News 14U Lynch 10U Cleghorn 18U Maldonado 18U Hutto 18U Palazzo 18U Hargrave 18U Hudson 18U Wiggins 14U Klein 11U Gillis\Kotula 16U Neleman 12U Trahan